Europe Warehouse Visit – Janine Hamilton

Janine Hamilton, Logistics Manager at POYNTING Antennas, went to visit the POYNTING Europe warehouse in the Netherlands at the end of June.

Janine said it was great to meet Jos Janssen Steenberg and Ebbi Maaroufi from Midl Logistics in person after years of communicating virtually.

She wants to thank the Midl team for a successful Financial Year-end stock take.
Here is to #FY2023 being a “Prima!” year!

During her visit to Europe our Logistics Manager, Janine Hamilton, had the opportunity to meet John Hoeven (pictured with Janine) and renew ties with Tjeerd Huitema from POYNTING Europe GmbH.

Managing the logistics of #POYNTING, that has worldwide reach, is not an easy task. Doing it successfully through a pandemic (while the company grows exponentially), tells you all you need to know about Janine and the logistics team.

The Logistics Team including the Customer Service quotation Desk is tirelessly working behind the scenes and we would like to thank:

– Laetitia Bezuidenhout
– Heike Grant-Just
– Amos Mazeli
– Reinet Phala
– Carol Viljoen

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