October 2022 – Johannesburg. POYNTING Antennas is supporting the Leopard Conservation Project (LCP) with communication systems (including antennas) to ensure that they have connectivity when working in remote areas.
Mike Braun
The Leopard Conservation Project.
The Leopard Conservation Project is an NGO that has spent more than two decades protecting leopards, one of South Africa’s most iconic wild predators.
The LCP proactively assist in finding ways to eliminate the killing of these beautiful and endangered animals, including relocating and rehabilitating leopards who have been caught in snares, or have suffered other man-induced injuries. Working together with the local communities, LCP constantly strives to protect, educate, and ultimately bridge the gap of misunderstanding between man
LCP has developed an injury free cage trap, designed to trap leopards without any harm to the animal. These cage traps contain or restrain an animal until the farmer or LCP gets to the cage. If it is another animal that was captured the animal gets released, and if it is a leopard, it can be transported to the allocated protected area.
Once triggered it is important to quickly get to the cage, to start relocating the leopard or to release any other animal from the trap. As the cages are placed in remote areas mobile signal is an issue for the team attending to the cage.
POYNTING Antennas is assisting with various antenna solutions as well as technical support. We suggested they use our rugged MIMO-3 vehicle antennas with the Teltonika 950 Routers when traveling or camping in remote areas.
Beth Komu, Technical Support Engineer at POYNTING Antennas assisted with setting up the dual sim routers.
Want to help: Get your Lazy Leopard Coffee from Outliers and they will donate R10 per pack to LCP: https://outlierscoffee.co.za/product/outliers-coffee-lazy-leopard/