Remote,but connected with our NEW ePOYNT

We introduce you to the ePoynt antenna enclosure, where you combine your world-class router and our world-class antenna for a superior solution that will delight your customers. LusoMatrix, our partner in Portugal, uses the PUCK antenna in a novel EV Charging solution provided by i-Charging. We are very excited to partner with 5GStore in the US and to welcome Jeff Oberlin, a new colleague based in Dallas, Texas. For those who missed it – get a link to our webinar titled: “How to select an LTE Antenna” and get some tips for investing in a good CPE antenna.

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OMNI-700 Series

We are launching a range of omni-directional antennas that will cover current and future Wi-Fi frequency ranges. Be on the lookout for the OMNI-700 series that will come with additional brackets to make your life easier when installing these antennas.

Video: Introducing RF Shack

We introduce “The RF Shack” – In the first of this series of videos Pieter Prinsloo demonstrates how an antenna works using a copper wire loop and some bits and bobs in his workshop.
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