Which routers will work with Poynting 4×4 MIMO Antennas?

We often get asked for suggestions of routers that will work with the POYNTING 4×4 MIMO Antennas. Please find a list of routers that you can use with our antennas. This list was created June 2023 and will be updated from time to time.

Below you will find a list of compatible POYNTING antennas with at least 4 x 5G or LTE ports:

MIMO-4-19 (4x 5G/LTE, 4x Wi-Fi, 1x GPS)
MIMO-4-17 (4x 5G/LTE, 2x Wi-Fi, 1x GPS) and PUCK-12 (2x Wi-Fi)
MIMO-3-17 (4x 5G/LTE, 2x Wi-Fi, 1x GPS) and PUCK-12 (2x Wi-Fi)
MIMO-3-14 (4x 5G/LTE, 1x GPS) and 2x PUCK-12 (2x Wi-Fi)
Xpol-24 (4x 5G/LTE) and 2x PUCK-12 (2x Wi-Fi) and GPS-1(1x GPS)
Xpol-1-V2-41 (4x 5G/LTE) and 2x PUCK-12 (2x Wi-Fi) and GPS-1(1x GPS)
OMNI 214 (4x 5G/LTE) and 2x PUCK-12 (2x Wi-Fi) and GPS-1(1x GPS)
OMNI 414 (4x 5G/LTE) and 2x PUCK-12 (2x Wi-Fi) and GPS-1(1x GPS)

More Information:

How to fit a Teltonika RUTX14 into a POYNTING EPNT-4 Enclosure – https://youtu.be/Ezv2tGJHrK0
How do I connect a POYNTING 5-in-1 MIMO antenna (MIMO-3-15) to a Teltonika RUT955 Router. https://youtu.be/cN9xzReb5F4

For the more technical people:
MIMO Antenna Secrets Playlist – https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1jZMB0hnovwp8eALd5IYYMf2TdZbamrA

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